Our Story
From its beginnings in a garage in 1988, to its headquarters today in Costa Mesa, California, Doggie Walk Bags is a family owned and operated business. Chris Crosson, the co-owner and president of the company, grew up on Balboa Island, California, where dog nuisances on the bay front had always been an issue. The idea for the bags was created by the need for easy and convenient clean up product.
For over 30 years, Chris and his wife and co-owner, Laura, have been marketing and selling the ideal bag for dog nuisance pick-up. DWB's unique bags carry numerous qualities to help make a not-so-desirable task more tolerable. From an array of different scent options to help sustain odor neutralization which are matched with fun, opaque colors. You also have your choice of bags with or without tie handles, all which are reasonably priced so everyone can help keep communities clean!
Today, Doggie Walk Bags employs over 30 people and is an internationally known company, but we still maintain our original vision of supporting the communities we serve. In addition to our family, the DWB team includes extended family, friends, neighbors, and developmentally challenged students and adults. Our company is proud to be associated with Huntington Beach Union High School District's Vocational Training Program and Westview Vocational Services, (www.westviewservices.org). These programs strive to give developmentally disabled students the opportunity to participate in a working environment, which then helps lead them to greater independence. The teams of young adults work alongside our family and friends to help bring our products from the production line to your home.
Doggie Walk Bags is also active in numerous events and causes including parades, adoption clinics, dog jogs, therapy dogs, special breed events, veterinarian hospitals and care facilities. We happily donate our products to hundreds of special events each year. The DWB Company is proud to support those who are committed to promoting community pride and pet acceptance. We are trying to help keep the environment cleaner, one dog at a time.
Thank you for supporting all of our efforts by purchasing Doggie Walk Bags for the past 30 years! To check up on our most recent event news and tradeshows attended, please check out our Facebook page, facebook.com/doggiewalkbags.
Happy Walking!
(Chris, Laura, & the Kids)